Friday, March 20, 2015

Am I Really Whining About This?

On the way to work this morning, I was cursing the obnoxious noise my windshield wipers make. "This is so aggravating. God, I need new ones, again! Just one more thing on the list..."
As I turned up the radio to drown out that annoyance, I became frustrated at the music that was playing on my favorite stations. None of them had anything playing that I wanted to hear.
I pulled into the Starbucks line to use up some gift cards I had gotten from students last year. The gift cards were crowding my tiny purse so they needed to go! Of course the lady at Starbucks had to inform me that they were out of my first choice of breakfast - no protein boxes! And my second choice - seriously, no chocolate croissants? It seemed to be yet another sign that this was just an awful day.
Practically frothing at this point, I was getting really angry and upset. I decided to actually write the list of things I need as soon as I got to work so that I could make a plan to correct this horrible injustice.
As I stared at my clean sheet of cute stationery that I had labeled, "$&!+ List" it hit me. I got a little teary as I thought of what I needed to write and it practically smacked me in the face. I truly have nothing to go on the list. Nothing, nada, zip.
My life is certainly not perfect, but it is really, really good. My husband and I love each other. My kids are healthy, smart, young ladies who are finally starting to really discover themselves. I have everything that I need to survive and thrive. Apparently, I woke up on the very wrong side of the bed this morning and was ready and willing to head down the bitter path of anger and frustration.
I know we all have those mornings. Sometimes we all get a good distance down that path, but it's not where I like to be. I didn't need a "wake up" call to turn myself around but there are days that I do. I need to figure out how to build a gate on that path so I don't even get started on it. Because, believe me, it is very easy to start down it and there are crazy amounts of damage that can be done once I'm too far along.

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