Monday, February 24, 2014

Heading to Healthy

In Mid-January, I realized that I had a sinus infection. I planned to get to the doctor on a Saturday, but the closest Saturday was crazy busy. Then I planned to go after work, but I had to get kids to different places, and fulfill lots of personal obligations so I didn't get there that week. Then we had snow and work got a little crazy, and I thought maybe I was feeling a little better. By the beginning of February, we had Mom's birthday party keeping us on the run. Then I decided that the awesome sinus medication I was taking at night was really helping me, so I started the "daytime" version too and tried to convince myself I was getting better. Next thing you know, we were snowed in for a week. There was no way I was going to fight the crowd at the doctor's office after that week.  I knew too many people were heading there with "real" germs and I didn't want to get any sicker.
Of course, while I was fighting the growing sinus infection, it was time to acknowledge that I needed to talk to someone about the fact that I was having trouble sleeping and I might be overly anxious about everything! Last week, I saw a doctor for that. She put me on something that started working fast. Once I started feeling better mentally, it hit me. I can't function with a sinus infection and the ear infection that comes along with it. Off I went to the clinic because the doctor's office told me that they couldn't see me until Monday. I knew that even though I had postponed getting help for over a month, I couldn't put it off any longer. The guy at the clinic remembered me from last fall. He was shocked that I had not only worked all week, I'd also just finished teaching Saturday school. He said I had no movement in my poor ear drums because of the fluid build up. Super huge sinus infection, lots of pressure and inflammation, double ear infection, head aches and low grade fever earned me two different antibiotics and steroids.
I really want to say I'm all better now. But, I have learned that steroids don't help you sleep! In fact, it's been about five years since I slept this poorly. (Yes, I keep track) But I know that I'll be better soon. Why is it that we forget that it's okay to be healthy, mentally and physically?
Very weird.

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