Friday, January 17, 2014

And that's a wrap...

It's been a long crazy week. For years, I would hang with the kids from Monday until Friday afternoon and then have incredible weekend plans that were ready to start the moment dear hubby arrived home from work. I was always so frustrated that he didn't want to play with us from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening. I don't know why he didn't just tell me that working all day, each week, was exhausting and he just needed to lay around house for a couple of hours.
Okay, even if he had told me (and honestly, he probably did) I wouldn't have listened. I thought playing with the family was the most relaxing thing we could do.
Now, after five days in the classroom, working at least eight hours a day, I understand. I look forward to the most awesome plans I've ever come up with - NOTHING.  We sort of help the girls get their Friday chores done, deliver them to their evening destination and head out to dinner. Not a fancy dress up dinner, we prefer someplace dark and quiet that serves us quickly and has cold diet coke. Most weeks, we are back at the house by 10:00 where the real best part of my week happens.
My sweet hubby and I get to hang out together and watch brainless television. Sometimes, we drink coffee, sometimes we drink coke. Always, we enjoy the few hours that we get where we don't have to be anywhere or take care of anyone else.
It's a very well appreciated weekly wrap up that is all ours.

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