Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Back to the Real World

It was cold this morning when I headed out to work. I realize that people who live in Wisconsin deal with temperatures below freezing all the time. I don't live in Wisconsin! I am in Georgia. We stay home when it's really cold, except today. Today I went to work in the cold.

I spent the winter break planning cool math and science lessons. First math class went great - the kids liked the new POPS activity. They were getting into finding the vocabulary words and debating the best examples of them. Then we got my second math class started. Fifteen minutes into it, the power went out. The kids were so excited because they thought they were going to go home. Hey, they are 12 - they love to dream big! We tried to go over the POPS stuff, but they couldn't see the papers well enough in the dark. I was determined to use my cool lesson stuff!  I fired up the flashlight app on my tablet and the flashlight app on my phone, perched them around the room and used my laptop to light up the last dim area. Suddenly, the POPS were getting done and the vocabulary was being zipped through! The kids were loving the lessons, but... It wasn't my awesome planning, it was working with no power!  As soon as the lights came back on, they couldn't work anymore. It was pretty neat!

The science activities are going into effect tonight. The kids are doing a flipped activity with a quiz. I checked the progress a few minutes ago. Already 50% of my students have done their homework! That is pretty fantastic. 

So, I am cold still. And everyone in my house is claiming to be sick. But I am feeling really kick-ass! Very great day, excellent avoidance of stress on my behalf!

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