Monday, January 6, 2014

The Polar Vortex of Procrastination

I woke up today to sunny skies and snow flurries. My reward for 80 extra math hours was not having to rise with the alarm clock and head to work. Still, the eyes popped open at 8:00 and that was all the sleep I was having. My sweet puppies had been outside for an hour and they were ready to come back inside. My daughters were a mixed batch. One was up and raring to go, the other slept through lunch time. When I let the pups inside, I made the decision that there was no way I was going outside in the frigid temperatures that had arrived while I was sleeping. I made a lovely pot of coffee, wrapped up in my robe and got comfortable in the family room with puppies at my feet.
I fired up the computer and started working on some cool lesson plans. Thankful that I've taught this science unit before, I found some great new videos to supplement the things I've already got planned. I built some Google docs to go with my flipped lessons. I updated my science class calendars. I read through some math blogs, picked some supplemental sheets and updated the math calendars. I got up to refill my coffee cup and realized it was only 9:00. That kind of productivity is awesome when it happens. You can't force it, you can only appreciate it!
My next mission was to get our prescriptions all in order. The new insurance is okay, just really difficult to follow. It took much longer to deal with getting decent pricing for four of our 'maintenance' medications than it took to make a month's worth of lesson plans. While the insurance company is almost no help, the pharmaceutical companies really want you to use their products so they are more than willing to help sift through the insurance plan details and get you an affordable price on their medication.
It was only lunch time and I had already tackled the biggest items on my to-do list.  That meant I had to start on the smaller things. I got the laundry started. I loaded the dishwasher. I put some laundry away. I ate lunch.  I cleaned up the lunch mess. By the way, none of these items were on my list. I was in full on stall mode. Some of the small items were not things that other people would have been dreading, but I was.
First on the list, my fifteen minutes of daily cardio. Have I mentioned that we had a high today of 20ish degrees? No way was I going to head outside to walk, jog or do any other exercise. I didn't want to head to the gym, so I put on my sneakers and some loud music, set the timer and danced. I am certain that I didn't do as well as a Zumba class, but I got my time done and put the check mark on the list.
Second on the list, call my grandmother. I know, how could this be that bad? I have only spoken to my grandmother once in the last year. She's 93 and sometimes she's sharp as a tack, while other times she forgets to do simple things like answer her phone. I dread trying to call her because I am always afraid that she won't answer. I only have her left and I have this stupid superstition that as long as I don't mess up our status quo, she will still be there - safe and sound. I called and she didn't answer. I want to say that task is complete, but the reality is that I still have to call back. Maybe I will do that tomorrow, when we get to stay home again thanks to the "Polar Vortex" and these crazy cold temps.
Maybe I will get some other crazy awesome stuff done while I avoid that phone call!

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